What causes varicose veins in women

Many people think that varicose veins on the legs are just an unwanted cosmetic manifestation. However, over time, it becomes clear that varicose veins are a serious disease associated with pathological distortion of venous vessels.

As a result, the tone of the vein walls weakens and the tissues do not receive the necessary blood supply due to the loss of good flow pressure. Knowing how dangerous varicose veins on the legs are in women, it is worth preventing the disease or starting its treatment early.

Characteristics of the development of varicose veins

causes of varicose veins in women

The disease most often develops in the lower extremities. Moreover, women suffer more from varicose veins than men. Therefore, the fair sex should be especially alerted by the first signs and symptoms of the disease - the "stars" of blood vessels. Such signs can not be ignored, but it is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribe conservative treatment.

Alternatively, the following may appear:

  • feeling of heaviness, itching and pain in the legs,
  • cramps and numbness at night and in the morning,
  • peeling and spots on the skin,
  • muscle pain when walking and touching superficial veins,
  • venous joints in the legs, feet, ankles.

Important!With advanced stages of venous disease, radical methods of stopping the development of varicose veins will be required until surgical intervention.

Why varicose veins occur more often in women

According to statistics, varicose veins of the lower limbs are diagnosed in eighty-nine percent of the fair sex versus sixty-six percent in men. This is due to the natural structure of the female body and those key functions, the implementation of which is assigned to it. And this is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the beginning of menopause, the carrying and feeding of a baby, when hormonal changes occur in the body.

Other causes of varicose veins in women include:

  • love for high heels in shoes,
  • thyroid pathology - women are more common than men,
  • diabetes mellitus type 2, most often diagnosed in women,
  • women's professions "on their feet" saleswoman, waitress, teacher, educator.
symptoms of varicose veins in women

Not safe for varicose veins and those women who use hormonal medications.

The risk of developing varicose veins is among the fans of frequent landing in a hot bath, being in a bath / sauna.

It is worth paying close attention to the condition of the veins in the legs of those who are overweight, who can not imagine their lives without smoking, alcohol, excessive consumption of fatty, salty and spicy foods.

Important!In women, varicose veins form mainly during pregnancy and postpartum healing and progress at an accelerated rate to stage 2-3.

What complications can there be?

Understanding the risk of varicose veins in the legs and why it is best not to run, but to cure it immediately, women who have found symptoms of varicose veins should visit a phlebologist. The specialist will talk about the consequences of the disease if left untreated, and will prescribe therapy.

  • The threat of varicose veins in women's legs leads to insufficient venous circulation. This has an unsatisfactory effect on the activity of the entire circulatory system, which directly affects the favorable course of pregnancy.
  • A common occurrence in pregnant women is the formation of hemorrhoids. Such varicose veins in the anus, and this is hemorrhoids, scares with bleeding and malignant modifications of varicose tissue.
  • The disease develops faster in women than in men. As a result, the fair sex first faces the consequences of varicose veins.
  • If left untreated, varicose veins of the cervix and body of the uterus can occur during pregnancy. This manifests itself at the end of the second trimester with pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. And if there is already an assumption about the presence of varicose veins, then before planning a pregnancy, the vessels of the pelvic organs should be examined.
how varicose veins appear in women

Most patients come to the doctor with complaints of pain and swelling in the legs. Such symptoms are characteristic of stage 2 varicose veins.

And this is what causes varicose veins in the legs, if you ignore the prevention and treatment of the disease:

  • In the first stage, women worry about the non-aesthetic appearance of their legs and hide defects under pants and long skirts.
  • In stage 2, an inflammatory process develops, causing blood to clot in the veins. This leads to the appearance of joints and pain - quite rare and not very strong.
  • In stage 3, swelling and heaviness appear in the legs, skin on the dark joints. Inflammation of the skin, eczema, thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous vascular fibers, deep vein thrombosis are also possible. The danger of the latter is in the unpredictable separation of a blood clot, which, once in the heart or pulmonary artery, threatens a woman's life.
  • In stage 4 trophic ulcers with varicose veins form, which give, together with bleeding and wounds, intolerable pain.

Important!To avoid complications from varicose veins, you should adhere to the treatment tactics developed by your doctor.

Treatment methods

Treatment of a dreaded disease should be carried out at every stage. Early examination and detection of the disease brings faster and easier relief. Neglecting varicose veins will require ongoing and long-term therapy (conservative or surgical), as well as spending money.

Phlebologist professional awareness of the dangers of varicose veins offers opportunities for its treatment:

  • medical methods using venotonic drugs in the form of tablets, gels,
  • how to treat varicose veins in women
  • bandage technique using compression stockings, and these are leggings, knee height, socks, sweater (at home they are replaced with elastic bandages,
  • hardware procedures using home appliances.

In a duel with the enemy, you must include the following options at home:

  • contrast shower, the current of which is directed from the bottom up (you should start with warm water and end with fresh water),
  • special diet that restricts animal products,
  • Rejection of high heels and wearing orthopedic shoes - especially indicated in the presence of flat feet.


Varicose veins of the female legs should be checked. And if you can not avoid the disease, at the first signs you should start treatment to prevent the development of serious complications (trophic ulcers, acute thrombophlebitis, varicose vein bleeding and others).