Varicose veins of the genitals

Pain with varicose veins of the genitals in a woman

Varicose veins are a common problem for women of all ages and social roles. It is hidden from the attention of others, so it rarely gets timely treatment. Some patients endure discomfort and pain to the last, embarrassed to consult a doctor with this disease.

The disease does not have a clear gender division. And in men it happens, but quite rarely. For her appearance in a representative of a strong half of humanity, really serious reasons are needed. But in women, varicose veins of the genitals are almost as common as varicose veins of the lower extremities or hemorrhoids.

Types of varicose veins during pregnancy

it is possible to classify varicose veins of the npo (lower genitals) according to the site of localization.

Veins with varicose veins

The localization of the disease occurs on a surface hidden inside the genitals. This makes it invisible in everyday life. Recognizing the presence of varicose veins in such cases is extremely difficult untilVaricose veins of the genitals in a womanuntil it develops enough to "come out" in more visible parts of the body.

Varicose veins in the labia

Swelling of the veins in the labia minora and majora. The appearance of joints and constant pain prevent a normal sex life. Sitting with this disorder is very painful, accompanied by numbness and itching.

Perineal varicose veins

The most common. The defeat extends not only to the area of ​​the uterus and labia, but also to the organs and tissues adjacent to the genitals. This disfigures the appearance, brings a lot of suffering to a woman and can lead to serious problems in the future.

Symptoms of genital varicose veins

The disease starts invisibly. Gradually, it is gaining strength and involves the appearance of serious circulatory disorders in the genitals. The symptoms of varicose veins in the genitals are very specific and well known. If you do not carry out treatment on time, then the original health can be very difficult to recover, even impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to the appearance of the first signs.

Numbness of the grains

Numbness occurs almost constantly. They are especially strong while sitting.

Decreased lust

Affected vessels are unable to perform their function of supplying blood to the genitals. Varicose veins of the genitals lead to tissue atrophy, their reduced sensitivity.

Itching, pain and discomfort

Inflammation affects nearby nerve endings.Discomfort and bloating - symptoms of varicose veins of the genitalsThis causes sudden pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum.

stomach upset and bloating

The inner surface of the vagina, the labia, increases in size. This makes sex life difficult, painful and uncomfortable.

Appearance of spider veins on the external genitalia

The external signs of an initial varicose vein disease are manifested precisely by micro damage to the skin. These signs are clearly visible during examination by a gynecologist.

Swelling of veins, lumps and joints

Varicose veins of the female genitals in an advanced stage disfigure the appearance of the entire hip area. Feelings with this disease in the stage of emergence and development of cones are very unpleasant, painful. Varicose veins are not limited to the intimate area. They spread to nearby areas - inner thighs, lower abdomen.

Causes of the disease

Pregnancy is the most common cause of illness. The fetus compresses all the internal organs and blood vessels. Can it cause varicose veins of the genitals? This is impossible to predict. Resistance to persistent negative physical influences is different for each woman. While waiting for a baby, some women are given a break, which does not mean a complete lack of movement. Due to the constant compression of blood vessels, this dangerous condition develops at a high rate. At the time of birth, varicose veins can already become a threat to a woman’s health and life.

Women without children also experience varicose veins of the genitals. The following reasons can be distinguished:

  • Being overweight.
  • Using excessive physical effort at work.
  • Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Digestive problems, which cause frequent pain in the perineum (frequent constipation and diarrhea).
  • Staying in hot rooms, sitting on hot surfaces.
  • Hereditary predisposition to varicose blood vessels.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Poor operation of the venous valve system of the whole body.
  • Hormone therapy, performed for a long time, can provoke varicose veins and other disorders in the circulatory system.


Self-diagnosis can only be made with a sufficiently developed course of the disease. Then, when his marks are neglected so much that they are visible and felt strongly.

Diagnosis of the disease is performed using special studies.

Ultrasound of the genital area using sensors
  • Visual observation during examination by a gynecologist gives the initial results. An experienced physician can immediately recognize a suspected varicose vein. The doctor, if there is any doubt about the health of a woman's veins, gives a referral for the passage of close specialists in the field.
  • Ultrasound of the genital area using sensors for external and internal examination (inside the vagina).
  • Phlebography is performed to examine the condition of blood vessels, to check their functionality.
  • Doppler ultrasonography effectively shows the working condition of the veins in the genitals and adjacent tissues.

Classic treatment of varicose veins


Complex drug therapy is used to treat varicose veins of the female genitals.

Pain symptoms are relieved with pain relievers, inflammation is relieved with anti-inflammatory medications (including oils and gels). And to prevent blood clots and improve the functioning of blood vessels, phlebologists prescribe special anti-platelet agents.


The most common treatments for venous diseases are laser coagulation and radiofrequency. Slightly with their help it is possible to achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of the veins in the affected area.

Also mentioned is phlebectomy - an operation to form the normal lumen of the veins and their location.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a good additional and preventive effect. In conditions where official medical intervention is impossible, alternative methods of treating varicose veins show good results.


A rare wild plant taken by herbalists in the woods. Its extract has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. An infusion of badan water is used for washing and medical closure (inserting a cotton swab moistened with a solution into the vagina overnight).

Milk and honey for medical bathing

Milk and honey

Washing method with milk and honey is good for relieving inflammation, but can provoke a violation of the microflora. 0, 5 liters of milk is boiled with 1 tablespoon of honey. After cooling to body temperature, the solution is poured into the vagina using a syringe.

Sea oil

Buckthorn oil is a well-known local anti-inflammatory agent. Tampons with this oil can be placed in the vagina and applied to the affected area for a long time.

Calendula infusions, oak bark, shepherd's purse

Used to gently eliminate inflammation, to relieve swelling.

Self-medication with traditional medicines should not replace complete medical intervention. In the modern world, there are many tools for eliminating diseases in advanced stages. While amateur remedies are effective only in the initial stages of the disease and do not guarantee the cessation of its development.

Risks and complications

Neglected varicose veins of the female genitals can cause many terrible consequences.


Violation of blood circulation in the genital area causes disruption of their work. Swollen tissues impede the passage of germ cells, rendering the pelvic organs, uterus and fetus inadequately developing. Due to varicose veins, pregnancy can be terminated spontaneously.

Disruption of blood vessels during childbirth

Ships with damaged walls break easily. It is very dangerous during childbirth. The internal bleeding that occurs is not always obvious. In ancient times, this was the most common cause of high mortality in postpartum women. To prevent varicose veins, doctors decide how to give birth to varicose veins. Most likely, a cesarean section will be performed to avoid damaging the injured site.

Reduced Sexuality

The physiological reason for the increase in sexual attraction and pleasure is the ability of the pelvic organs to fill with blood. With venous lesions, this is simply impossible to achieve. You can stay cold due to inattention to the condition of the veins.

Modern medicine has learned to prevent such consequences, but they are too serious to be ignored. It is necessary, even before the serious development of the disease, to apply preventive methods that will save you from problems in the future.

Preventive measures

Preventing the disease in the case of varicose veins is the best solution. Once manifested, this disease will begin to haunt a person for the rest of his life. Preventing the appearance of varicose veins of the genitals means, first of all, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, which does not allow the development of varicose veins.

Sport helps "distribute" blood, to raise the overall tone of muscles and blood vessels. People who lead an active life are always healthier and better. But you do not need to torture yourself with unnecessary stress. Everything should be in moderation.

And, of course, we must not forget the observation by the doctor. Periodic medical examination by close specialists all over the world is considered a good form.

A person who cares about his health, takes care of it, gets the best award in the world. This award is excellent health and fulfilling life!