In the warm season, when you really want to wear shorts and skirts, drawing attention to your legs, the picture can be spoiled by vascular network, stars and swelling - clear signs of varicose veins. We learned from a professional phlebologist how to solve this problem quickly and permanently.
"Every man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than in a woman who has beautiful legs, " said Marlene Dietrich. But still, you should not forget the health and beauty of your feet. Especially if you already have vascular networks.
Expert opinion: vascular surgeon and phlebologist"The most obvious signs of varicose veins of the lower extremities (or, more simply, varicose veins) are not so numerous. The visible spider veins (telangiectasias), the protruding veins and the nodes are the most visible. It is impossible tono such symptoms are noticed. But they appear when the disease is already developing. But foot aggravation, restless legs syndrome and swelling are not obvious symptoms of varicose veins. If you already have them, this is a good reasonto register for a consultation with a phlebologist. In general, this disease is known to adult women, although, alas, young girls and even men know firsthand about it.
Why do varicose veins appear?
The older we get, the greater the risk of varicose veins: we sit too much and walk a little, we gain excess weight, the blood thickens, hormonal changes occur, the level of collagen in the walls of blood vessels decreases, which means elasticityand vein density. As a result, blood clots begin in the legs, the veins dilate under pressure, and the valves no longer close tightly enough. Because of this, some of the blood flows down, gets stuck even more and puts even more pressure on the veins, stretching them. Blood flow slows down and lymph gradually penetrates the walls of blood vessels. Edema appears and we feel heaviness in the legs. If you do not start treatment at this stage, the disease will progress.
Impaired venous valve function has not been restored. First, a blue vascular network appears in the foot. Nodes then form in the veins - the blood stagnates and thickens in them, from which blood clots form. This is called thrombophlebitis. It is very dangerous: a blood clot coming out and coming out of such a joint is a high risk for stroke or heart attack.
Most often, varicose veins are inherited. It also happens to those who are subject to static loads, for example, when you are constantly "standing" (sales assistants in stores) or constantly sitting (all office workers). In addition, varicose veins can appear due to injuries, chronic lack of vitamins and minerals, hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), obesity or overweight, diabetes, weight gain, frequent walking in high heels.
How to get rid of varicose veins
In fact, to prevent the appearance of varicose veins, sometimes it is enough to walk. By WHO standards, that’s about 10, 000 steps a day, which is not that much. If you are at risk (dm th. , You have this problem in your family), then you should see a phlebologist, use compression stockings, try not to gain excess weight, limit static loads on the feet, wear shoescomfortable, take the course of venotonics (only with a doctor's recommendation), which will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and relieve inflammation.
The vascular network can be removed with the help of sclerosant injections. They are injected into small vessels, causing their artificial inflammation and causing them to "stick together". The procedure is practically painless and lasts no more than 10 minutes.
Large vein dilation is treated with endovascular laser coagulation (abbreviated EVLT). This is a relatively new method that has been around for about 20 years. Thanks to him, vascular surgeons were almost completely able to abandon surgeries in favor of minimally invasive interventions. A very thin laser is inserted into a vein under anesthesia and ultrasound control - as thick as a fishing line. The laser beam acts on the inner wall of the vein and coagulates it along its entire length, after which it simply closes over time. The whole procedure is fully automated - the laser and the ultrasound sensor move on their own. The procedure takes about 40 minutes. After that, a special compression sock is placed on the foot, which must be worn without removing it for three days. After the procedure, the patient is not restricted in movement and can go home on his own. The effect can be noticed within a few days.